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Freelance Foreign Model Proposal

​외국인 프리랜서 모델 지원

※※※ Only can apply who are working as a Freelance model in South Korea ※※※

※※※ 국내에서 프리랜서로 활동 중인 모델들만 지원 가능 ※※※


Must put things down below in the Composite Card.

Height, Weight, Bust (Chest), Waist, Hip, Shoes, Hair & Eye color.


Must not put personal Information in your Composite Card.

Phone Number, SNS address, Email and Etc.

(When you put one of these, your composite card will be deleted automatically)


Receive only JPEG file for Composite Card.

Except JPEG file, all the composite card will be deleted automatically.


Must indicate the following information in your email.

Name, Year of Birth, Phone Number, Nationality, Year of Debut, Debut of FW, Working Visa N. and Visa end date.

(If you don't indicate all of these, your email will be deleted automatically)

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